first of all...we went to tenggaroh for kenduri kahwin anak buah saya....selamat pengantin baru anyway....
my grandnephew rayyan...he's soo cute when smiling....(^_^)
went to jb right after that...this picture taken at danga bay....
kenduri arwah kat umah saye...
anis n laili...
majlis khatam Quran untuk anis...
bunga telur penyu???
we're holding explorace game....this is the winner team...
the runner-up
happy birthday to ayai...may Allah bless you...
also for my friend ida...and my sister-to-be...pz...
also for my friend ida...and my sister-to-be...pz...
got bbq for his birthday...tapi sendiri punya parti, sendiri bakar ayam...hehehe
journey to kl...
the 5 of us...missing lolot since he's not there at the moment...
me and ajah...
going to midvalley for shopping books~~~
visiting muzium...nice...(^_^)
saye n epit...
ayai, epit n icak...there's also me...taking the pic...hehe
abc seksyen 2...hehe....yummy...
at lcct...waiting for lolot...
last but not least...presenting MR.MARU~~....kucing ajah n abg ngah....sangat kawaiii~~~
oppss...forget to tell....i'm finish on these both...hehe...(^_^)v
~the end~
~the end~
p/s: alFatihah untuk encik Rahmat bin Awaan yang meninggal pada 18/12/09